When Your Legal Case Needs Nursing Care
Based in Central Ohio, Brant Legal Nurse Consultants, LLC. specializes in all medically related legal issues. We bring knowledge, experience and professionalism to every case and customize our support to meet your individual needs and concerns.
With over 25 years in the field of nursing, our consultants are on the forefront of the healthcare industry. On the pulse of modern technology and media, we will give you exceptional advice that will last for years to come.
Get in touch with us to set up a free consultation, or use the contact form at the bottom of this page to inquire whether our services are right for you.
What is a Legal Nurse Consultant?
A Legal Nurse Consultant (LNC) is a licensed registered nurse who has completed a certificate program in legal nurse consulting. An LNC has a strong educational and professional background in nursing and uses this to review, analyze, and render opinions regarding standards of nursing practice, delivery of healthcare services and outcomes, the cause and nature of injuries, and other healthcare related issues.
Legal Nurse Consultants can practice in a variety of settings within the legal system such as law firms, government agencies, insurance companies, health care facilities, forensic environments, LNC consulting firms, HMOs, self-employed independent practices, patient safety organizations and business and industry legal departments. As consultants, LNCs can serve as analysts, collaborators, strategists, researchers, and educators.
Why hire a Legal Nurse Consultant?
KNOWLEDGE: The LNC has a thorough understanding of anatomy, physiology, medical treatments, current standards of care and disease processes. The LNC also "speaks the language" of the physicians, other healthcare providers and patients.
EXPERIENCE: The LNC has extensive clinical experience, which includes interpretation of medical records, tests and literature.
RESOURCEFULNESS: The LNC possesses a network of medical and professional resources and contacts. The LNC is proficient in the use of medical libraries, medical equipment, internet research and other relevant resources.
BENEFITS: Using an LNC can be cost effective, time-saving, improve your settlement position, effectively prepare you for litigation and reduce your exposure, and help decrease case preparation time. Many cases can either be rejected quickly or settled in a reasonable amount of time by utilizing the resources and knowledge of an LNC. This can also increase efficiency for the judge and jury.
What Can a LNC Do?
Brant Legal Nurse Consultants can perform the following functions:
Assist with trial preparation and questioning of experts
Identify, organize, and analyze pertinent medical records
Prepare a chronology, timeline, or other summary of documentation from medical records
Opine on cases and prepare reports
Define and translate pertinent medical terms, procedures, and disease processes to legal teams
Evaluate and analyze issues of causation
Identify adherence to and deviations from the applicable standards of care
Assist with determining merit or defensibility of cases
Locate and confer with expert witnesses
Conduct medical literature reviews and assist in other research
Identify, screen, and facilitate review of expert witnesses
Evaluate case strengths and weaknesses
Educate attorneys and clients regarding relevant medical issues
Identify future medical needs and associated costs
Participate in case management and case strategy discussions
Attend independent medical exams
Serve as a testifying expert witness or expert fact witness
Locate or prepare demonstrative evidence/exhibits for trial and depositions
Assist with preparation for and support during deposition, trial, and mediation
Review past medical bills and assess reasonableness of charges
(614) 270-1930
Our mission:
To provide honest, expert, cost-effective medical-legal consulting services.
Our guarantee:
Brant Legal Nurse Consulting, LLC. offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If for ANY reason you are not happy with our work product, notify us within 10 business days and we will happily revise our work to meet your specifications.